Lodewijk, wat vind hij van mij, jeh ebt me nu een tidje gevolgd, stel dat ik aan jou vraag, waarover zou ik een praatje kunnen geven, waar zou ik. Eeen verhaal over kunnen vertellen, wat zou dat moeten zijn.
Adersety blog
Making something out of nothing, creation of Marseille
Never give up, entrepreneur
Story telling??
Dit wordt het progama
Marieke vragen
Laura vragen
Stefano vragen
Remco vragen
Wessel vragen
;More entrepreneur kind of approach, wider audience
I managed to
Margot vragen
Talk about al the things that went wrong, create an e book, sell an e book, write about my leadership skills, entrepreneur skills,
Edward de Bono made a life change
Programs, pe item, maybe
Stoicism in entrepreneur and leadership
Keep going in tough times, never give up,do the wor and mental toughness
Plant based will be a side project, fun project, (like Ezra Firestone)
Creative entrepeneurship, making something out of nothing
Ultra learning and typetopia
Making something out of nothing
Imk inzetten voor het progamma, write down the traject, write down an e book about the process
Everything, the whole process, is a book, a guideline
Kade academy
I developed the kade academy
2 years Kade weighs more than 5 years Njenrode
How I became a real entrepreneur after 30 years of srtuggelig
Learned from the stamhoofden, Covid, hard knock.
Kade is mijn atelier
Vistage uitmelekn, uitproberen , uitschrijven.
All the books that I read, work it out, highlight, research, Scrivener
,Mental toughness uitschrijven , HBR en andere verhalen, adversety blog
Business, creativity, filosofie
Kade is een goudmijn
Money systems, concious capitalism, Semmler, active passive income
5 things I can help them with
Getting up having more fun in the business
Control and design your business, the food matrix
Use sources around you, sourcefull entrepeneuship, kade academy
Making something out of nothing, restraintresource approach
( creation of Marseille)
Lateral entrepeneral thinkinfTD 104-Zeeland-TD16- Marseille
Getting things done
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